Category Archives: CURRENT

Profit from set offers

We offer you attractive sets that are precisely tailored to your beekeeping needs.


  • Starter set
  • Main scale model ApiGraph 4
  • Annual server and SIM card basic fees for the first year included
  • Including solar panel for continuous recharging
  • Additional sensors can be added at anytime


  • Main scale model ApiGraph 4
  • Annual server and SIM card basic fees for the first year included
  • Including solar panel for continuous recharging
  • Small sensor set ApiRain-RF3 and ApiBrood-CR3


  • Premium set for ambitious beekeepers
  • Main scale model ApiGraph 4
  • Annual server and SIM card basic fees for the first year included
  • Including solar panel for continuous recharging
  • Full sensor set ApiBrood-CR3 and ApiWeather 7-in-1


Our scales and sensors an one glance

Overview scales Wolf Waagen

Thanks to the latest hive weighing technology, combined with sophisticated online software, you as a hobby beekeeper, professional beekeeper or as a scientist can use.
Wolf scales to increase yields and maintain bee health. From entry-level models to heavy-duty scales, every beekeeper will fi nd the right beehive scale. 

Check the chart to see which scales and sensors make a perfect match.

(Digital) beekeeping community

Wolf Waagen Beekeeping community

Profi t twice – from your scales’ data and from those of more than 3000 beekeepers. Together we know better…

  • On request the participation in both beekeeping communities is free of charge
  • Profi t from both: the “TrachtNet” is the largest Pan-European beekeeping network and the internal Wolf community is determined for Wolf hive scale users
  • Win-in-Win while providing your data and other beekeepers make their data available
  • Draw conclusions on fl owering, fl ower development, honey yields, seasonal diff erences and much more

Monitor your bees online – Wolf Software

Online Software Wolf Waagen

You want to be always up to date?
The intuitive Wolf online software enables a comprehensive and individual evaluation of any measurement data – AND is easy to apply! The functions are determined to analyze, compare
and archive gathered information. The software is a strong key competence and was developed by the founders Richard and Christian Wolf.
On request, the data can be shared with more than  3000 other beekeepers worldwide. The professional Wolf support team assists and makes sure, that Wolf hive scale users get the utmost benefi t from their bees´ data.

Surveillance made simple

DATA CAM Wolf Waagen Hive scales

Here we go with the new picture, video and sound data camera LINK-MICRO-S LTE. The camera´s SIM card transmits data reliably all over Europe! Your advantages are:

  •  Photo/video transmission
  • 1080o videos with sound
  • Resolution: 36 megapixels (colour day, infrared night)
  • 0,3 sec. shutter speed
  • 30 m flash/detection range
  • Permanently installed and rechargeable lithium-ion battery and solar panel
  • Instant release function: videos and photos at the touch of a button
  • The best network always and everywhere – Europe-wide
  • Fastening strap included
  • Can be used independently of the hive scale

Precise microclimate at your apiary

7-in-1 ApiWeather

Do you want to reliably record all weather data with one device? If yes, our new ApiWeather-RF6 weather station is just right for you!

It measures temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed, 16 wind directions, UV level and light intensity. It is conveniently powered by an integrated solar panel (and additional batteries). The weather station can be placed up to 250 meters away from the apiary. With the RF6 interface, the station can be connected to all hive scale models from generation 4.0 on (except SMS scales)

May we introduce…

With our new MAJA sensor, numerous factors in the bee colony can be monitored:

Get live data on: Brood chamber temperature and humidity, bees frequency and volume, alert when hive gets moved 

  •  Frequency monitoring provides information on colony development,
    colony development, queenlessness, swarming behavior and much more.
  • Keep an eye on the start of brood thanks to brood chamber temperature
    and humidity
  • Triggers an alarm in the event of vibration
  • Can be easily integrated into honeycomb
  • Sensor does not need to be removed for battery replacement
  • Can also be used without a hive scale using an optional transmitter unit
  • USB interface for updates
  • Master scale up to 50 m distance needed

Our new extension scale ApiGraph Junior


One location & several hives – all hive data at one glance! Extend your master hive scale with up to 70 junior hive scales with radio transmission. Our new extension scale continuously measure changes in the hive weight. It is possible to extend the scale with the brood chamber temperature and the MAJA frequency sensor. For more information go to:

Investment support


Some countries financially support the investment in beekeeping products. Even the Wolf-hive scale is subsidised under certain conditions. Contact us for further information. Phone +49 (0) 9652 8219 000 or send your request to We offer our support with your application.